Homeschool Philosophies Quiz

Parents often feel overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the "best" possible curricula and other educational resources for their kids. Wading through all the options does take time and discernment, but we can begin to feel more confident if we can determine the "homeschool philosophy" with which we most resonate. ECLECTIC HOMESCHOOLING has created a very helpful "quiz" for this purpose, which we highly recommend. To take the quiz click HERE.

Curriculum Database

To get a sense of all the options available to homeschoolers, we recommend The Homeschool Resource Roadmap, a FREE comprehensive database designed to help home-educating parents choose curricula and educational resources for their children. To date, it lists almost 6,000 resource companies, detailing for each one via chart-style summaries: 
  • its position on the Common Core Standards  
  • the subject area(s) it offers 
  • the ages for which it is relevant 
  • the homeschool style/approach it employs
  • its religious/worldview perspective
  • the position it espouses on the question of origins (i.e., young-earth/old-earth)
  • whether it offers online resources
  • whether it has an app
  • whether it is free
  • other notes as relevant

Curriculum Ideas

Choosing curriculum is among the most intimidating tasks for new - and not so new! - homeschoolers. Though having a comprehensive curriculum database (The Homeschool Resource Roadmap) is helpful, the sheer amount of options listed there can be understandable paralyzing. For that reason, we recommend a few resources that provide some guidance in the choosing process:

Recommended Resources

If you need help with some of the "basics" of home education, click here for lists of helpful articles, books, and media resources.



Click here for a list of national print and/or digital publications geared toward homeschooling parents. 


Click here for a list of homeschool conventions in Wisconsin and around the nation.